
The season for taking pictures

It's gradually getting warmer. Now is a good time to go traveling and take pictures. Sometime soon I wanna go outside to take pictures.
By the way, the 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal at noon on April 25th. According to the news release, more than 4000 people were killed at this time in the quake. It's not somebody else's problem anytime for the Japanese who live on the islands of Japan that is one of the main volcanic zone on the globe. .Such a massive earthquake is occurring at an unprecedented frequency now, all over the world. What is really happening within the earth? I pray for keeping to a minimum damage for those involved.




 A fine  balance! lol..Some birds on the neighbor's roof keep him completely riveted. He loves to look out from here.

     What is he looking at? 何を見てるんでしょうね。。

A farm near my house 家の近くの畑

   Watching something eagerly from the window upstairs. Though he always wants to go outside, we make an effort not to let him out for fear that he might be hit by a car. Many cats' car accidents have occurred around here for long time.
     He is in his room. There are some toys for him and a cage which he sleeps in.

  Camera (LUMIX GF1 with G VARIO14-45mm)

Angel? or Devil? 天使か悪魔か?
My cat again
My cat with fearless eyes 不敵な面構えの猫
My cat